Kid's Ministry
Good News Club is a kids club that meets every Wednesday from 3:30-5:30.
It is free and there are snacks and prizes.
It starts September and ends in May.
White Street
Watsonville, CA 95076
If you would like to join us please contact us at:
Evangelism Training
In Mark 16:15 it says, "Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation."
We believe we should be telling our neighbors in our town and beyond about the love of God. We have training times that run two times each year.....
If you would like to join us please contact us at:

Freedom Teams
Freedom Teams is a non-profit group which we work side by side with toward the ultimate goal of God being glorified through loving our community, discipleship, and church planting.
Learn more about freedom teams: